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Join us for Bible study on Wednesday nights in Hyde Park. See schedule below.
Psalm 84:10
Pastor Jacob Ungemach (UHN-geh-mock) and his wife Grace moved to Cincinnati from Milwaukee in 2024 after completing 8 years of seminary education. After getting married over five years ago and moving five times since, they are excited to start calling Cincinnati home.
If you'd like to talk, Jake would love to meet over coffee, a beer, or some Graeter's.
You can reach him on our contact page.
Philippians 4:8
Beautiful Savior is a Lutheran church located in Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Currently, we're a growing group that meets regularly for Bible study and fellowship while we look forward to launching formal worship services in Summer 2025. You are welcome to join us.
Beautiful Savior's North campus is located just south of Fairfield and has been there since the 70s. In 2016, Pastor Groth identified the Oakley area as a potential site for a second campus. Since then, the congregation at Beautiful Savior North has been preparing for the possibility of doing mission work in the Oakley area.
Now, 8 years later, Beautiful Savior is ready to begin that work. For now, the Oakley site looks like small gatherings around God's Word and hours spent planning our first formal worship service in Summer 2025.
At Beautiful Savior, we believe that God’s grace is a gift freely given, not earned, by faith in Jesus Christ. He gives us this gift through his Word & Sacraments, including baptism & holy communion. We cherish Scripture as the unchanging truth that reveals God's character in the past and speaks directly to our lives today. We experience profound rest and renewal in Christ, who meets us in our busy, complex lives with the promise of salvation.
We believe that Church is more than a place or an hour in your week. Guided by God’s Word, Beautiful Savior comes together to encourage one another and grow in our knowledge of Christ as we look forward to an eternity spent with Him.
Are you a new church?
Yes - and no. Beautiful Savior's North Campus is located near Fairfield and was founded in the 70s. This location, called our Central Campus, is located in Oakley and is currently in the early planning stages.
When and where do you worship?
Right now, we're preparing for our first worship service on Saturday, September 6th, 2025. To receive more information about our launch service, join our email list.
Until then, we're meeting weekly for Bible study and fellowship. You're welcome to join us.
How can I learn more about you & what you believe?
You can subscribe to the Everyday Sabbath to receive scripture, a devotional thought, and a journaling prompt from Beautiful Savior daily.
If you would like to connect with us in-person, you can reach out to Pastor for information about Bible study or a casual meeting.
For now, our group is meeting regularly for fellowship and Bible study. You're welcome to join us.
In the future, we plan on holding weekly Saturday evening worship services in Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio beginning in the summer of 2025. In addition to Saturday night worship, we'll offer weekly small-group Bible studies on Wednesday evenings.
Though we are currently scouting for a worship location, our goal is to hold worship in a smaller space that will seat 80-100 people. Our liturgical services will serve as a tool to to help keep scripture at the forefront of worship. Our music will likely be acoustic in style, with a balance between traditional hymns and newer songs.
Philippians 3:14
Nicole Pitts serves Beautiful Savior in an administrative role, working closely with the pastoral staff to bring Beautiful Savior Central to Oakley. She and her husband Jake enjoy life in East Walnut Hills with their dogs, Bean & Lunchbox.
Though primarily serving Beautiful Savior's North campus, Pastor Groth looks forward to taking part in the ministry happening in Oakley. He and his wife Carrie live in Fairfield with their two energetic foster boys.
Pastor Westra has served Beautiful Savior's North campus since 1985, when he was assigned out of seminary. He's been at Beautiful Savior through many seasons of growth & change. He and his wife Carol enjoy taking trips to see their grandchildren.
Colin Rixe serves as a pastoral intern at Beautiful Savior. Though most of his time is spent at the North campus, he enjoys getting together with the crowd in Oakley. His wife, Anna, is a 1st & 2nd grade teacher at Beautiful Savior Lutheran School.
If you could trade bank accounts with anyone, who would you pick? Bezos? Buffett? Gates?
I don't think they'd want to make the trade.
Jesus traded spiritual accounts with you. Your debt is his. His riches yours.
That's what grace is all about.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9
Philippians 4:10-23
Philippians 3:15-4:9
Lent Dinner & Devotion
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